Casa and Playa Blanca Lodges Fishing Report February 22 to 29, 2020

11:18 am , March 18, 2020 0

Well, the wind has continued… We actually got a couple of days of good weather this week (Sunday and Wednesday.) The main issue we’ve been seeing this spring on Punta Pajaros is inconsistency with the winds. Our predominant wind is the southeast wind, which is currently blowing at a moderate 12 miles per hour and the sun is out (Wahooo!) However, the past 8 weeks have brought us ever-shifting wind patterns, making for some spooky permit and often off-colored water. Anglers this week enjoyed a few good days of permit fishing with several shots during the good weather days and took advantage of the Santa Rosa Lagoon system on the bad weather days.

         At Casa Blanca, we have a small dock positioned out of the main wind corridor that we will sometimes move the boats to in preparation for big winds. When we got notifications of possible very strong North winds overnight Wednesday, we moved the skiffs back to Santa Rosa and spent Thursday and Friday bonefishing in the back country. This is often a very fun and productive way to spend a day, especially when conditions for permit fishing get tough. Highlights from this week include Bill’s first permit with Aaron, some great shots at big permit for Johnson, and some awesome bonefishing for the ladies from San Francisco. We had a very fun week at Casa Blanca and are looking forward to some better weather this week.  Time to get some permit fishing in!

         At Playa Blanca this week we welcomed back Rich and company from TroutHunter Lodge in Island Park, ID. This group was mainly focused on permit fishing and day one a few guys managed to land fish. Ben landed 3 on the week. One each for Pat, Zach, Rich, Tony.

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